Architecte DAN, RIBA
- 1962 : Born in Likasi (D.R.Congo), British nationality
- 1985 : Winner of the British Gas Prize 1985, « Design for Energy Management Award », international ideas competition
- 1986 : Diplomas of the University of Nottingham, (BA BArch First Class Hons)
Professional itinerary
- 1986-1987 : Assistant architect, Ian RITCHIE Architects, London
- 1987-1990 : Project architect, Michael HOPKINS and Partners Architects, London
- 1990-1999 : Project architect, Dominique Perrault Architecte, Paris
- 1991 : Europan 2, Amiens – Project mentioned, with Place architectes
- 1999: Founding partner of B+C architectes with Giovanni Bellaviti
- 2004 : Founding director with Giovanni Bellaviti – B+C ARCHITECTES SARL